Italian Conversation Course

Conversation is undoubtedly one of the most important means you have to improve our knowledge of Italian. By this Conversation Course  you will improve your ability to speak, encountering same level students and working under the supervision of a mother tongue Italian teacher. You will practice the language with pleasure and will receive useful suggestions about linguistic and cultural matters.



Italian Conversation Course


Italian Conversation Course


Italian Conversation CourseThe Conversation Course is addressed to those who have at least a level of knowledge of the Italian language corresponding to B1, intermediate level. It is not important that B1 has been completed but it is important that the basic structures of the language have been acquired.

Italian Conversation CourseThe course can be individual or group and can take place through Skype, GoogleMeet or Zoom.

Italian Conversation CourseThe duration of lessons is 50 minutes and lessons are purchased in packages of 5. The course can be taken individually or in groups up to a maximum of 5 participants.

Italian Conversation CourseThe contents of the Conversation Course will be agreed with the participants at the beginning of each cycle of lessons


Italian Conversation Course


5 Lessons – 50 Minutes Each

Italian Conversation Course INDIVIDUAL COURSE: 120 €; 

Italian Conversation Course GROUP COURSE (2 people)75 € per person

Italian Conversation Course GROUP COURSE (3 people): 60 € per person

Italian Conversation Course GROUP COURSE (4-5 people): 50 € per person



For information and reservations please write to

[email protected].


please fill in this form.